
Piano Service Appointments

Basic piano service appointments are available for tuning and appraisals. New customers are asked to prepay basic piano service fees before appointments will be scheduled.

Basic piano service appointments are:

A single piano tuning or a piano appraisal. If I arrive at your home and make an assessment of your piano and you choose not to proceed with my recommendations, all that will be charged is the piano appraisal fee which covers my driving time and expenses. I will provide you with a letter, stating the condition of your piano, useful for establishing the piano's value with insurance companies.

If you choose to have me tune the piano, there is no additional fee for the piano appraisal. However, based on my assessment of your piano, there may be additional work that needs to be done on the piano, and will be charged over and above the basic tuning fee.


To Schedule a piano service appointment:



1) Please email me at or call 415-721-9977 at least a week in advance, if you would like to schedule a piano service appointment. Be sure to include your phone number, and good times to reach you. I understand sometimes there are emergencies, in which case I will try to fit you in earlier, as my schedule allows.


2) Then pre-pay the piano tuning or piano appraisal fee. You will be contacted by email or phone with proposed appointment times. All basic piano service appointments for new customers must be pre-paid using the menu and button below before they will be scheduled. You can also send a check or money order, but it will take longer to schedule the service appointment.


Basic Piano Services


Cancellation Policy


48 hours notice must be given if a piano service appointment is to be cancelled. All piano service appointments cancelled with less than 48 hours notice will be charged a "missed appointment fee" equivalent to the scheduled appointment fee for the appointment that was missed. This policy includes no-shows, where the customer or their agent is not at home within 15 minutes of the scheduled appointment time, to let me in to service the piano.



